Hunted Man

"Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don’t resist them – that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like."   Lao Tzu (c. 100 BC)

"As magnets order a field of iron filings, so do the archetypes order our psychic life; a similar process takes place in modern painting (and modern photography).

( Erich Neumann in "Art and the Creative Unconscious")

"Among primitive peoples the powers arc projected into strange forms and symbols, and modern art has returned to this primordial phase of exorcism.

In Western culture the artist first set out to represent the world implied in the idea of the beautiful;

 ...  the ideal of the beautiful seemed to have been imprinted on life itself.

The modern development, however, has been to shatter all these static, ontological conceptions.

  Distortion, crookedness, and grotesque horror form an archetypal aspect of the demonic...

... If modern art is characterized by the disintegration of external reality and an activation of the transpersonal psychic world, it becomes understandable that the artist should feel a compulsion to depict the powers in their own realm — which is, of course, a psychic realm ...

Thus it is a great misunderstanding to characterize this art as intellectual — ....  and to underestimate its religious and, in the true sense of the word, metaphysical impetus.

The anonymous creative drive itself is the essential reality of a human art independent of any external world.” ...

... both the individual and the group are experiencing an awakening of the collective unconscious. Its inward, psychic expression is modern art ...

It is no accident that a human element appears so seldom at the center of the modern mandala, and so frequently a star,  a light, an eye, or the void itself.  ...

The center of gravity has shifted from consciousness toward the creative matrix where something new is in preparation."

(Erich Neumann - Art and the Creative Unconscious © 1959 (by Bollingen Found. Inc.)