Ever hungry like a flame

 "In his book “The Gay Science”, Nietzsche offers a prelude in rhymes. It is a brief composition whose central element is a flame, fire being a metaphor for the philosopher and his fearless thinking that illuminates everything in its pathand, devouring it, turns it to charcoal ashes. Mark well, ashes that will in turn provide heat, with less light but greater intensity and duration.

Ecce homo

Yes I know from where I came!

Ever hungry like a flame 

I consume myself and glow.

Light grows all that I conceive,

Ashes everything I leave:

Flame I am assuredly!

(Friedrich Nietzsche)

Such is the impression of the recent work by Beat Kuert dedicated to fire, a frenzied and furious “contemplation” of the artist himself and his world which, through photography, is exalted in powerfully evocative images dominated by oranges and generally all vibrant flame derived colours, with yellows, pale blues from when the heat intensifies, but also blacks and greys from the remains of the combustion, whether ashes or charcoal ashes." (Angelo Crespi)

"Lovesong for a black hole"

Ecce homo

Ja, ich weiß, woher ich stamme,

Ungesättigt gleich der Flamme

Glühe und verzehr’ ich mich.

Licht wird alles was ich fasse,

Kohle alles, was ich lasse,

Flamme bin ich sicherlich.

(Friedrich Nietzsche)